Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 9 Major Blunders Fans Can't Ignore

7. Luke Considering Killing A Sleeping Kylo Betrays His Entire Character

Star Wars the Last jedi

So, Luke Skywalker - the guy who against the words of an entire galaxy of people telling him Darth Vader was an irredeemable monster, is insistent there “is good in him”.

Sure, Luke, whatever. You just try and get that goi- oh.

Oh, it worked. There was good in Vader after all.

Good job.

With that in mind, why the hell do we have an older Luke straight-up thinking that the solution to Kylo’s slow turn to the dark side was to murder him in his sleep? Even if this is some reference or rhyme to Episode III and Anakin butchering the "younglings" - one of the worst scenes in cinema history, by the way - it’s completely out of character.

Fundamentally, Luke is the guy that sees the light where there is none. Even considering killing Kylo for a second betrays the entire point of his arc across the original trilogy.

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