Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 9 Major Blunders Fans Can't Ignore

3. Poe Is Completely Wasted

Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer Poe Dameron

Talk about wasting your best assets, Poe Dameron goes from the quip-happy loveable rogue of The Force Awakens to... someone who has to learn a lesson... about something... possibly the idea of blindly following orders?

Because of how terribly handled Admiral Holdo's "plan" is across the movie, Poe's "arc" goes from being very angry he's not getting told what's going on (due to not following an order at the beginning) to... finding out what's going on. This takes the entire movie's runtime, to which his role is to monitor a screen while Finn and Rose attempt to track down the Codebreaker.

Overall, though there's clearly something in here about Poe needing to learn to respect authority (a trait he never had in The Force Awakens, outside of back-chatting Kylo at the beginning), but like many things here, the extrapolation and meaning of his actions comes more from apologist, defending fans, rather than what's actually in the movie.

Here's a thought: Why didn't we actually see Finn kill himself and betray Poe's orders by flying straight into the Battering Ram Cannon? It would be a directly impactful ramification of what happens when an authority figure's order is not respected. Poe could've learned what it's like to not be listened to, and there'd actually be some on-screen consequence involving the main cast.

Instead, nothing.

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