Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 9 Major Blunders Fans Can't Ignore
2. Captain Phasma Being Cheated AGAIN

Sadly, for as much as even actress Gwendoline Christie had mentioned that Captain Phasma would be getting a suitable dump of backstory and motivation, the reality was a 30 second fight scene and yet another off-screen "death".
Last seen tumbling into a pit of fire after getting her helmet split open, the only additional detail we get about Phasma is that her armour is blaster-proof. Whilst certainly cool, the movie's marketing had set up a "Finn vs Phasma" fight that just wasn't there. The pair clash, sure, but The Force Awakens was also chastised for building up "the first female stormtrooper" as someone unique and special, only for her to only get stuffed into Starkiller Base's trash compactor.
Back to The Last Jedi, and though she almost definitely did not survive plummeting into the bowels of a Star Destroyer, that sort of "death" deliberately leaves open many possibilities for JJ Abrams to deliver in Episode IX, or - better yet - her own Solo-esque spin-off.
Regardless, for now, we're left - yet again - to wait for future content to deliver on something that's been talked about for over two years at this point.