Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer - 13 Easter Eggs & Secrets You Probably Missed
9. Ackbar & Statura
We get just the one shot of General Leia in the trailer, but it's enough to ignite plenty of interest. Obviously there's emotional resonance here, because it's Carrie Fisher, but it also appears as if she's on a spaceship, rather than a grounded base. With the Resistance base under attack later in the trailer, it could be that they're on the move.
Also in this shot we can just about make out a couple of other returning faces. To the right of the image you can see U.O. Stratura, a senior Resistance officer who first appeared in The Force Awakens, played by Ken Leung. Slightly less clear is to the left, it looks like that may be Admiral Ackbar. Although voice actor Erik Bauersfield sadly passed away last year, Ackbar is still alive in this universe, and could still have a part to play in the Resistance.