Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer - 13 Easter Eggs & Secrets You Probably Missed
6. Kylo Ren's Scar And Mask
We get just the one shot of villain Kylo Ren in the trailer, but it's a doozy, with the son of Han and Leia illuminated by the glow of his jagged red lightsaber.
It means we also get a first look at his new scar, which he sports after his lightsaber duel with Rey. It's nowhere near as bad as it could've been though, given this was how he looked in The Force Awakens:
There's also the background of the image with Kylo, which very much looks like flames: this could well be a scene on Ahch-To, and perhaps a burning down the of First Jedi Temple/Force Tree.
Another point to make is the smashed mask we see earlier in the trailer. It belongs to Kylo Ren, but does pose the question of whether this is the one that was on Starkiller Base, or a new one. The former would presumably be totally destroyed and we likely wouldn't see it, so this suggests that he gets himself a new mask, but then smashes it up, probably in a fit of petulant rage.