Star Wars: The Last Jedi - What The Ending Really Means

2. Finn/Rose's Romance

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rose Finn

At one point, it looks nailed on that Finn is going to sacrifice himself to save what remains of the Resistance (or at least to buy them some time from the First Order's attack) but Rose pulls the Hail Mary to save him from the jaws of death, injuring herself gravely in the process.

As she sits in the wreckage, Rose confesses her love for Finn and kisses him before losing consciousness. And putting aside the fact that the romantic dynamic between them comes out of absolutely nowhere and feels utterly unearned, it looks like their trajectory is now set and we'll see a relationship blossoming.

Given the way Star Wars deals with lovers, that probably spells disaster for one of them in Episode IX. Very few romantic couples end up enjoying a happy ending in this far, far away galaxy, after all.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.