Star Wars: The Last Jedi - What The Ending Really Means

1. Leia Lives, Luke Is No More

Star Wars The Force Awakens Princess Leia

Though we were told that Leia wouldn't be killed on screen in The Last Jedi, it still comes as something of a surprise that she remains fully in the Resistance picture after the climax. It's an almighty loose end that presumably must have been planned out to resolution in Episode IX, and it's still a shock that the film doesn't deal with Carrie Fisher's death beyond the post-credits tribute.

By the look of it, Leia is also hugely powerful in Force terms (that's the only way to explain her survival), which now sadly feels like something of a narrative cul-de-sac with Leia's arc impossible to develop too much further.

Her brother, on the other hand, joins the long list of characers who bite the dust in The Last Jedi - also including Admiral Akbar, Snoke those delicious looking roasted Porgs. His death shouldn't come as too much of a surprise though, as he's been on the Obi-Wan Kenobi story track every since The Force Awakens, and he needed to die to advance Rey's story.

That doesn't mean it doesn't feel like a huge ending though.

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