Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker - 9 Major Things Revealed By Vanity Fair
5. Keri Russel's Zorri
Another of the new additions to the cast is Keri Russell, which is extremely exciting if you happened to watch The Americans, where she proved herself as one of the best actresses on TV over the past decade.
The specifics of Russell's character haven't been revealed, but what this cover story reveals in high-res glory (it'd been glimpsed in leaked images before) is her awesome purple-and-gold costume.
For teases of her character, Zorri Bliss, they describe her as a "masked scoundrel", and she's seen here in the Thieves Quarter of the aforementioned snow-dusted planet Kijimi. Hopefully she's not just another Boba Fett or Captain Phasma, and actually gets something to do in the film rather than just looking really, really cool.