Star Wars VII: 17 Reasons To Rejoice

2. Luke Skywalker: Jedi Master

Given that he€™s been honing his skills for 30 years it€™s reasonable to assume that Luke€™s powers will be far beyond those that were seen in the original trilogy. This doesn€™t necessarily mean added stunt work for Mark Hamill, but will see Luke not just appear as an analogue for original trilogy Obi Wan but also Yoda, in that his age and frame hide an unfathomable power. It's going to be intriguing to see how all of the OT characters have developed but with Luke there is an opportunity to show how powerful he has become, and whether or not he has used this power to reinstate the Jedi order, or like Obi Wan and Yoda before him has been pushed into life of seclusion, awaiting a time when his Jedi abilities will be needed to save the galaxy once more.

1. Entering The Unknown

The experience of anticipating the prequel trilogy, where it was so much easier to speculate on the form the films might take, is completely polarised with trying to imagine what Episode VII could be like. Eventual leaks about the story may shed some light but until then everything that can be speculated about the sequel trilogy€™s story is complete conjecture. This has to be one of the most deeply alluring aspects of the new trilogy's arrival, for the first time since the original film was released we have no notion as to what kind of journey we're about to embark upon. At present optimism is at a premium and there may yet emerge a "Yousa people gonna die?" moment that throws us all into a panic but until then Episodes VII, VIII and IX exist in the mind as a triumphant return to Star Wars at its best, much like the prequel trilogy once did, let's hope this trilogy stays that way.

Are there any other reasons to rejoice about the Holy Saga's return? Or even reasons to gripe? Tell us below.

As well as the odd article, I apply my "special mind" to scriptwriting for Comics, Films and Games... Oh and I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flow'rs, I put on women's clothing, and hang around in bars. Follow me on Twitter @DrRobertOtnik