Stephen King: Ranking His Films From Worst To Best

36. The Lawnmower Man

It turns out that the absolute worst movie ever to be made from a Stephen King story wasn't a crummy low-budget efforts, where a lack of good actors and awful special effects combine with a poor plot into something truly awful. Instead, The Lawnmower Man cost somewhere in the area of $10 million in 1992 money, and starred Pierce Brosnan. It also boasted what were (at the time) ground-breaking computer graphics, by it bore absolutely no resemblance to the King story of the same name, save for one scene, to the point that the author sued the producers for trying to put his name on it. Which, considering some of the other films on this list where he didn't do that, is saying something. From the looks of it, nobody involved in the making of The Lawnmower Man wanted anything to do with it. Jeff Fahey is the developmentally disabled groundskeeper Brosan's scientist drafts in as a human guinea pig for his experiments in virtual reality and that's the last time anything in this film makes any sense. It's all awful, unwatchable CGI and techno-mumno-jumbo from there on in.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at