Steven Spielberg: Ranking His Movies From Worst To Best

23. The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)

lostworld To be perfectly honest, The Lost World is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. As a child I was obsessed with dinosaurs. I didn't care about convoluted plots, unclear character motivations, or how silly it was to see Malcolm's daughter defeat a velociraptor with gymnastics. All I wanted to see was a T-rex tearing up San Diego. Indeed, The Lost World is actually a very excellently made film and has a lot of nice touches, from the beautifully rendered CG dinosaurs to the "tall grass" scene and some others that are surprisingly effective, to the undeniable badassery of Pete Postlethwaite as an obsessed hunter. It's not a good film, but it sure is entertaining.

Oren Soffer is currently a Junior majoring in Film/Television production at NYU Tisch School of the Arts. He has been harboring and fostering a love and passion for cinema since early childhood. Though he mainly focuses on making movies these days, he still enjoys writing about them as well.