Steven Spielberg: Ranking His Movies From Worst To Best

21. Amistad (1997)

amistad Spielberg's career can be divided into two main categories: Action/adventure entertainments and historical dramas. Amistad belongs firmly in the latter category, though it isn't quite as successful as his other similar dramas. Spielberg is an unabashed history nut and his passion for this genuinely compelling historical anecdote is evident. However, the film itself seems muddled and unfocused, and for every inspiring casting decision (including Djimon Hounsou in his first major film performance and an excellent Anthony Hopkins as John Quincy Adams) there is another that just baffles (it is still unclear to me what Matthew McConaughey is doing in this film). It's a good film, but not a great one.

Oren Soffer is currently a Junior majoring in Film/Television production at NYU Tisch School of the Arts. He has been harboring and fostering a love and passion for cinema since early childhood. Though he mainly focuses on making movies these days, he still enjoys writing about them as well.