Dr. Amanda "the Wall" Waller is the stern woman who oversees the activities of the Suicide Squad in the comics and is therefore an integral figure in the very existence of the team. As a result, she absolutely must be in this movie. Highly trained in things like logistics, strategic management, military tactics, game theory and espionage, Waller works for the organisation Checkmate - an organisation who are not too dissimilar to Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D. and who could end up serving a similar function to the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the organisation in DC's own live action world. The likes of Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer and Oprah Winfrey are all being eyed-up as potential stars to portray the role - with Winfrey generally regarded as Warner Bros. and DC's top choice - so it will be very interesting to see who ends up in Waller's shoes.