Suicide Squad: 10 Biggest Questions Left Unanswered

1. Where Were Batman, Wonder Woman & The Flash During The Third Act?

Enchantress Justice League Suicide Squad
Warner Bros.

The Question: Considering that Batman, Wonder Woman and The Flash are all known to be active heroes during the timeframe of this movie, where the hell were they when Enchantress was preparing an apocalyptic event?

The Likely Answer: Yes, it's something of a glib, smarta** question, just like when everyone asks where the other Avengers are during any solo MCU superhero movie, but it's still worth asking. For one, Batman could theoretically have been in another part of the country or globe tending to another incident or even chasing down a Justice League member.

Wonder Woman was meanwhile brought out of hiding with incredible reluctance to take down Doomsday, so perhaps she intentionally sat this one out. The Flash is more challenging simply because he can be anywhere in a split second and is shown fighting crime in the movie itself when he captures Captain Boomerang. Maybe people just don't care that much about Midway City? You kinda need to just roll with this inherent implausibility when it comes to shared superhero universes.

What nagging questions did Suicide Squad leave you hanging with? Got your own answers to these questions? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.