Suicide Squad: 10 Biggest Questions Left Unanswered

4. Why Can Incubus Survive Fire But Not Explosives?

Enchantress Justice League Suicide Squad
Warner Bros.

The Question: Why is that El Diablo's epic, fiery "final form" cannot defeat Incubus, yet an explosive placed underneath them can kill them both? Are the two attacks not extremely similar in strength and composition?

The Likely Answer: "Because superhero movie logic" is the real answer, but if we're looking for something plausible within the movie's own continuity, it's probably some super-duper special bomb for supernatural monsters...or at least that's what David Ayer will tell people if he's ever confronted with the question (which he inevitably will be).

Sadly "because reasons" is about as believable an answer as you're likely to get from this one, so best to just forget it, unless a surprise explanation turns up on the Blu-ray's deleted scenes.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.