Suicide Squad: 10 Lessons It Can Learn From Assault On Arkham
4. Dont Make It Too Adult
In the wake of Deadpools success, everyone is clamouring for more R-rated superhero films, and while Suicide Squad would seem to fit the profile, it wont be rated R, nor should it be. Even though the animated Assault On Arkham seems like its for kids, the content is surprisingly adult. Its honestly a little hard to fathom how they pushed so many boundaries and still got a PG-13 rating for the film. The real issue was that all of the swearing and sex just felt weird in a DC property. Even if its realistic for these types of characters to act this way, its so unlike anything from their universe that its a little jarring seeing something like Harley Quinn take her top off and then violently have sex with Deadshot. Suicide Squad should still try to address these adult themes, it is a serious movie after all, but it has to do so with some cadence and regard to the fact that this is the same universe thats home to some much lighter characters.
Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.