Suicide Squad: 10 Lessons It Can Learn From Assault On Arkham
5. Amanda Waller Needs Depth
Amanda Waller is one of the more fascinating characters in the DC library. Shes not an outright villain, yet she still seems to find herself at odds with the Justice League far to often. Thats because shes a firm believer that the ends justify the means and will do anything to achieve her goals and protect herself. Perhaps due to its short running time, Assault On Arkham didnt really capture the nuanced nature of Wallers persona. She just came across like an evil boss. Another reason for this one-note portrayal could also be that the film was told through the perspective of the Squad, and we werent given any meaningful solo time devoted to just Waller. With an actress of Viola Daviss caliber, Suicide Squad needs to give her material to work with so she can form that complex character we love from the comics. If the trailers are anything to go by, her convincing speech at the restaurant is exactly the kind of thing were looking for.
Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.