Suicide Squad: 10 Major Spoilers From The Script Leak

9. It Sticks Pretty Close To The Comics

Right now it doesn't seem that the entire script has leaked, just portions of some early scenes. On the basis of those scenes, however, it seems like Suicide Squad, the movie, is going to be drawing heavily from Suicide Squad, the comic, in both its classic and contemporary forms. Which means everybody wins! The upper echelons of Suicide Squad comics are the ones written by John Ostrander in the late eighties through to the early ninenties, which had roughly the same line up as the movie and whose first issue started much the same to the leak script: with bad guys messing stuff up in an airport. DC's more recent Suicide Squad comics have diversified the line up a little, bringing in fan-favourite Harley Quinn as a member. She's arguably the second lead character based on these leaks, and is kept on the team thanks to a small explosive device implanted in all their heads, which will be detonated if they get out of line or try and escape.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at