Suicide Squad: 10 Major Spoilers From The Script Leak

7. Their Headquarters Makes An Appearance

That big old supervillain prison riot will be taking place in a location that's very familiar to comic book fans. In the Suicide Squad series they are usually based at Belle Reve Prison For Super-Humans. In fact, the sequence that introduces it in the leaked script is the opening credits scene, and it's pretty cool. Apparently the entire opening of the film is going to be Deadshot infiltrating Arkham Asylum, with the intention of killing The Joker. Harley Quinn is on hand to stop him from fulfilling his contract, they both get pinched, and sent off to Belle Reve. Flown their by helicopter, the €œsteel fortress€ emerges out of the steam over a misty bayou €“ just like in the comics! €“ and they both get thrown into cells in their skivvies. Deadshot being blasted with a house is where we freeze frame and smash cut to the title. Picture it like the Hugo Stiglitz bit from Inglourious Basterds.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at