Suicide Squad: 10 Major Spoilers From The Script Leak

6. Amanda Waller Will (Hopefully) Be The Actual Amanda Waller

The person who orchestrates this whole arrest, and the eventual needling of Deadshot, Harley and a bunch of the other Belle Reve inmates into joining the Suicide Squad, is Amanda Waller. At present she's one of the few roles that hasn't been formally cast (alongside Rick Flag, now), with the current favourite being How To Get Away With Murder star Viola Davis. Hopefully there's some truth to that because that would mean audiences will get to see the real Amanda Waller. Who was always a larger, middle-aged woman, and all the cooler for that, before DC recently redesigned her as a much slimmer, younger figure. In Marks' draft script, Waller is introduced as €œA woman sitting in a corner booth. Tough, no-nonsense. She's eating an impossibly large omelet.€ That's the kind of Amanda Waller that managed to defeat Batman without even raising a finger, bereft of superpowers herself, and not even packing a weapon.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at