Suicide Squad: 10 Major Spoilers From The Script Leak

4. Rick Flag Was Super Boring

So now we get to the real meat of it. At first Tom Hardy's reasons for leaving Suicide Squad seemed totally sound. It was a scheduling conflict. Happens all the time €“ actors sign onto a film, then another project they're already committed to shifts its shooting time for whatever reason, or there's reshoots, or something like that. Nobody's fault, just annoying. Now it appears he left because he wasn't interested in playing Rick Flag. Based on this script, that's not him being a prissy diva €“ it's actually sound judgement. Considering he's about to become a fully-fledged leading man with Mad Max, he shouldn't be wasting time on his milquetoast. Flag is interesting in the comics because he's a proper good guy who hates being forced to lead a bunch of criminals. In the film, he's €œyour textbook hero€, introduced in a totally cliché scene where he's doing pull-ups on a door frame. Zzzzzzz. Kind of below Hardy's abilities.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at