Suicide Squad: 13 More Brand New Details We Just Learrned

1. Batman's "Terrifying" Role

Ben Affleck Batman
Warner Bros.

Though his screen-time is said to be limited (and restricted only to flash-backs barring a big twist that sees him return), it's intriguing to wonder what Batman's role is in the wider narrative. We know he has a grip over the criminals, having put them away, but it seems Ayer's film will explore the psychology of the Bat from the other side:

“All the Batman movies have been from Batman’s point of view. He’s the good guy. He’s the hero of his own movie in all the movies we’ve seen. If you look at what Bruce Wayne has done in creating the Batman persona, his idea was to terrorize criminals. It’s sort of psychological warfare against criminals. This wraith that comes in the night and attacks and pulls criminals from society. For the first time, we’re seeing Batman from the point of view of the criminals and he’s freaking scary.”

That sounds like a great touch: rather than being invited to sympathise with Batman, we experience him as his targets do. That's something we've never seen before, and it's an incredibly exciting prospect.

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