Suicide Squad: 13 More Brand New Details We Just Learrned

9. Ike Barinholtz Is...

Suicide Squad Trailer Ike Barinholtz Guard
Warner Bros.

...Not Hugo Strange, that's for sure.

The same report from German site Cinemaxx that outed Scott Eastwood as Lt GQ Edwards also confirmed that the bearded comic actor who wears the Alpha A01 poncho in the is semi-related to a comic book character. But he's nobody immediately recognisable.

Barinholtz is actually playing Captain Griggs, who could well be linked to Keith Griggs, the character from DC Comics who fought alongside Steve Trevor in World War II in the comics (and presumably WWI in the film). He's presumably more of a bad egg than his ancestor, given how much he fits the over-zealous prison guard model in the trailers.

Fingers crossed the Joker gets his hands on him as expected.


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