Suicide Squad: 13 More Brand New Details We Just Learrned

8. The Joker's Design Influence

Joker Selfie

Since the early days after Jared Leto's first reveal as the Joker, everyone seems to have utterly lost their sh*t over his look. It's an outrageous, they'd cry between gritted teeth - he's nothing like the original.

Except that's precisely what he is. He's a walking amalgamation of influences from comics both old and new, and it's very clear that the designers and Leto himself have done their research. Further, there's now confirmation of another new reference point, by costume designer, Kate Hawley, who confirmed where his look came from:

"They're all wearing versace and Balmain and all of that. David wanted that world. When we go into this club scene in his and Harley's world, they're not the only freaks in there. There's this high end, almost like a Studio 54 thing. It's like everyone's f*cked up in this world and there's a normality to it. There's that beautiful book which actually I based some of the jester stuff we were playing around with."

The book she refers to is of course Joker by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo.

"That I'd say has the closest visual quality to what David is trying to get to".

Let's hope something more of the graphic novel survives in there: perhaps a hint at a turf war with Two Face, anyone?


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