Suicide Squad: 14 Obscure Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

10. Amanda Waller's Cat Poster - WTF

Joker Easter Eggs Obscure
Warner Bros.

When Amanda Waller threatens Rick Flag with never seeing his girlfriend again, and coerces him into complying with her Suicide Squad mission, we see the interior of her office.

It's fairly nondescript, aside from a couple of posters on the back wall, one of which looks suspiciously like it could be for The Expendables. More oddly though, to the right of that poster is an inspirational cat poster.

It's clearly a gag designed to contradict her evil status, but it's also a nice little link to a Harry Potter villain (whether intended or not). Waller's pink outfit is very reminiscent of Professor Dolores Umbridge - the real villain of Harry Potter - who of course had a particular fondness for cats (which covered the walls of her office).


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