Suicide Squad: 15 Major Reveals From The New EW Details

3. Deadshot's Serial Killer Motivation

Suicide Squad Deadshot Gun Point.jpg
Warner Bros.

EW interviewed Will Smith to discuss his preparation for the role of Deadshot, and he confirmed both that he wanted to work with Ayer and that he wanted to do something he'd never done before:

“I had never played a character that legitimately didn’t give a f*ck. It’s very freeing not having to carry the moral spine of the movie.”

And intriguingly, he also revealed how he got into the head of the character:

“I couldn’t find a model to understand what would make someone comfortable killing another person for money. David walked me through that. He found a book for me (The Anatomy of Motive by John Douglas), and I worked through getting into the mind of serial killers. Once I accepted the [notion the author puts forth] that it feels good, that really exploded the idea in my mind of Deadshot.”

Smith also hints at how Waller controls him - and the central conflict of his character:

“His Achilles heel is his daughter,” he says. “He loves this little girl and that creates this bizarre conflicting mindset where he enjoys killing people but that’s something this little girl doesn’t want from him. She wants a daddy.”

Let's hope the preparation pays off.


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