Suicide Squad: 15 Major Reveals From The New EW Details
4. Enchantress Is "The First Target"
It's interesting that EW call Cara Delevingne's June Moone the first target for Amanda Waller in the context of her wanting to recruit a team. Obviously, there are two suggestions for what that means: either, as initially suspected, she's the Squad's first objective (hence her being called the true villain of the piece earlier in production) or she's the first recruit.
The second case would be more intriguing and it would explain why Enchantress ends up in the White House. It would seem, if that is the case, that the plan to have her in the team goes badly awry, since she's not in any of the footage with the Squad in the field and it looks very much like they're taking on an army of her minions.
So what changes between recruiting her and her becoming an adversary? Perhaps it's the fact that the government turn Task Force X down?