Suicide Squad: 15 Major Reveals From The New EW Details

1. David Ayer Definitely Feels The Pressure

Deadshot David Ayer
Warner Bros.

There's a lot we have to blame on Batman v Superman, and inevitably the film had a big impact on the way Suicide Squad is shaping.

For David Ayer, the film heaped a lot of pressure on him and his production:

“Two years ago ­Suicide Squad was a tertiary [DC property]. No one knew anything about it. It was a cool little playground, and I was going to go make my movie. Now it’s like the hype bus. All of the attention has swung onto it, and it has to carry a lot more weight than it was ever intended to. I think it can sustain it. But it’s a lot of pressure. You definitely feel the pressure.”

Let's just hope that the pressure was used positively and channelled into making Suicide Squad better. Because Warner Bros can't cope with two busts in a row. Rather wonderfully, all signs suggest it's going to go well.

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