Suicide Squad: 15 Major Reveals From The New EW Details
10. Joker Loves His Harley
There's no question that Harley Quinn loves The Joker: she's the product of his torture and has developed an unhinged fascination with him (and with romance as a validator generally). That's the established dynamics from the animated series and the comics, and her bio reiterates the fact:
"The manipulative psychiatrist-turned-obsessive-in-love Harley Quinn unites the squad as much as she messes with their minds."
More surprisingly though, the Joker loves her back. He's generally painted as tolerant of her, despite the perpetual annoyance, keeping her around because of what she represents to his love of control. The idea that he has strong personal feelings towards her is definitely new. But EW calls Harley Joker's "true love' all the same.
I'd be amazed if that didn't turn out to be false love (and a cover for another agenda).