Suicide Squad 2: 10 Insanely Dark Moments That Won't Be Used

7. Hyve's Stalker Tendencies

Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Deadshot Joker Face
DC Comics

Existing on a team that was created to make the Suicide Squad look like good guys is more or less a death sentence for any moral fibre a character could have had. That said, Hyve – a member of a superpowered terrorist group known as onslaught – kicks being a bad guy up to eleven by also being incredibly creepy towards his teammates.

The green monster does this in style, using his power to split into many smaller versions of himself to stalk his companions – particularly while they’re in the shower, which is as unsurprising as it is sleazy.

It’s not exactly shocking that supervillains do bad things, admittedly – but you’d think you’d want to make sure that your fellow teammates don't have it in for you.


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