Suicide Squad 2: 12 Perfect Villains (And Who Should Play Them)

10. Ed Harris As Antiphon

Antiphon Ed Harris
DC & New Line Cinema

Not every villain who should appear in Suicide Squad 2 will necessarily join the team, though, and it's important not to forget the fact that the "bad guys" will eventually have a bigger threat to team up against.

In the comics, one of the Suicide Squad's most prominent enemies has been the criminal mercenary outfit known as The Onslaught (or originally The Jihad). If Warner Bros. wants to try and build its own Civil War, but between supervillains rather than superheroes, this could be an interesting way to go. But what does Onslaught member Antiphon have to do with this?

Well, the speedster known as Antiphon was long-believed to be showing up in the first Suicide Squad movie, with persistent rumours even stating that Ed Harris had won the role, but of course, he was nowhere to be seen.

Is it not possible that this rumour wasn't founded on nothing, and considering the positive response from many fans at the time, Warner Bros. might actually run with it for the next movie?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.