Suicide Squad: 28 WTF Moments

17. Is It A Spell Or A Machine?

Suicide Squad WTF
Warner Bros.

Enchantress' plan is exceptionally weird when you try and break it down. She awakens from her slumber after a long time trapped in a little doll and decides that not being greeted like a God by a human race now obsessed with machines is not the news she was looking for.

You know, the same exact way Apocalypse does in the latest X-Men film...

Anyway, her solution, once she's got her brother in tow, is to build a vague "machine" that she never actually explains to kill humanity or to be worshipped... It's not at clear, and the script at no point attempts to even vaguely try and make it matter.

And worst of all, later in the film, Enchantress refers to what she's doing as her "spell", suggesting she's not entirely sure what's she's making either.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.