Suicide Squad: 28 WTF Moments

16. The Least Fatal Helicopter Disaster Sequences Ever

Suicide Squad WTF
Warner Bros.

There must have been some script meeting early on in the Suicide Squad production where someone questioned why there were three massive helicopter crashes in the space of one act, and why absolutely nobody is even remotely hurt by them. If that person did raise concerns, they were mercilessly ignored.

First, the Squad's helicopter is shot down - though it's entirely unclear by who (I chose to accept their own shots were deflected, but I can't in good faith claim to have seen that in the film) - and they all walk away fine.

Then the Joker's helicopter is shot down on the insistence of Amanda Waller, prompting Harley to fall a fairly fatal distance and land on her feet unscathed. Again, nobody really dies (the initial explosion probably kills Jonny Frost admittedly) and the Joker pops back up later.

And finally, Amanda Waller's helicopter is pulled out of the sky by Incubus, and while she's winded, she's fine as well. It's just ridiculous.


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