Suicide Squad: 28 WTF Moments

14. Harley's Phone

Suicide Squad WTF
Warner Bros.

Was I the only person who was struck by how stupid the interaction between Griggs and Harley Quinn is after the Joker strong-arms him into helping her? He's supposed to be secretive about his link to Mr J - since the alternative would probably see him taken off the job - but he just walks up to her in plain sight, gives her the phone and loudly says it's from the Joker.

He couldn't have been any more conspicuous about it if he tried.

And then at the end it's revealed that Boomerang had been allowed to have his phone all along, since he needed it to guide his remote boomerang (literally the only justification for him being in the Squad).


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.