Suicide Squad: 28 WTF Moments

10. Joker's Deeply Flawed Rescue Plan

Suicide Squad WTF
Warner Bros.

After Griggs gives Harley the phone, she frequently checks it as the Joker sends her brief messages telling her he's on his way and to get ready to be rescued. This is fine.

What isn't fine however, is how Mr J has his henchmen pull the job off. As the Squad stand on the roof of the building, his chopper hangs above them, slowly turning to reveal Jonny Frost in the rear cargo door with a mini-gun that he sprays at random onto the roof. He doesn't even wait until he can actually see what he's shooting at before pulling the trigger.

So the Joker's entire plan hinges on Frost not accidentally hitting Harley, who is out in the open and standing right among the people he's attempting to mow down. It's ridiculously dumb (and so too is the fact that Harley plays dead when Deadshot pretends to shoot her).


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