Suicide Squad: 28 WTF Moments

5. Enchantress Ends The Fight (After Fighting Pointlessly)

Suicide Squad WTF
Warner Bros.

During the climactic fight at the train station, after Incubus is killed off, Enchantress goes berserk at the death of her brother and takes the fight to the Squad on their terms. She fights hand-to-hand, throwing them around for dramatic effect and letting them show off their individual skills... or at least trying to.

Then, all of a sudden she gets bored, stops and uses her telekinesis to take the weapons out of their hands and subdue them.

Why did she bother going toe-to-toe with them in the first place if she was capable of doing that? That's just wasted time and effort to artificially add in some thrills and more slow motion. Because that's definitely what this film needed.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.