Suicide Squad: 28 WTF Moments

6. Where The F*ck Does Diablo Get His Sense Of Family From?!

Suicide Squad WTF
Warner Bros.

I could accept that Diablo had to die to complete his arc of redemption after unwittingly killing his wife and children: it's basically penance for his crimes and it absolutely fits. But again, the actual flesh of how the story comes off is just lop-sided and wrong.

Diablo spends the majority of the movie refusing to use his powers or commit any acts of violence, because of the ghosts of his past. He stands in the background, only interacting with people when Deadshot is shouting at him, or Harley Quinn is shouting to "own that sh*t" or Boomerang is commenting on how tragic his backstory is.

That's it, I literally can't remember any other dialogue: he's very much the strong silent type.

But then when it comes to making the choice to "hulk out", Diablo proclaims that he must protect his new family, and won't lose another one. On what basis are these people his new family? He barely has cause to care about them, and they keep trying to make him do the one thing he refuses point-blank to.

It's the most unearned heroic monologue in the history of comic book movies, and it wasn't even necessary. Just say he wants to see his family again, or pay his debts. It's as simple as that.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.