Suicide Squad: 28 WTF Moments

1. Wait... Did Batman Know?!

Suicide Squad WTF
Warner Bros.

So, here's a question for you: how come Batman wasn't aware of what was going on in Midway City when Enchantress was reigning terror down on strategic military placements outside of the city and threatening to destroy the world?

Usually, superheroes are geographically limited creatures: they operate in their own cities and so do their villains in order to get around the whole "why isn't Batman helping the Flash" line of questioning. But Enchantress took the fight outside of Midway, and yet Batman apparently had no clue about it.

I mean, he couldn't have, right? He had to have only found out when he met Amanda Waller for that sequence to work. Which makes him look pretty terrible as both a detective AND a superhero.

What other WTF moments did you spot in Suicide Squad? Share your finds below in the comments thread.


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