Suicide Squad: 28 WTF Moments

24. Incubus' Scorpion King-like Effects

Suicide Squad WTF
Warner Bros.

It's unfortunately just how much of a bad idea it was to use underwhelming villain Incubus for Suicide Squad. In fact, it's close to fatal.

Obviously having someone too charismatic - like a Loki figure - would have been problematic, as you can't root for them, but going the opposite way and using a CGI monstrosity with effects that rival those of The Scorpion King was not the answer.

Incubus gets utterly screwed by his reinvention as a Gods Of Egypt style soulless hulk without a personality who walks around slowly, sadly kicking arse. And ridiculously, it seems like they spunked a load of the budget on making him look that awful too.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.