Suicide Squad: 28 WTF Moments
23. Slipknot And Monster T Got F*cked Over
Poor Adam Beach: you can just see his excitement at being offered the chance to star alongside so many great actors. And then this is what he got: a pointed kick in the genitals and the open contempt of the script.
If you needed further guidance that you're not supposed to care about Slipknot, he's not even given a tiny flashback. He's just bundled out of a car, introduced as the "guy who can climb anything" and gets a further character building moment by punching a lady cop in the face.
That's about all that happens with him, since about 12 seconds after you see him again, he's dead, having been convinced that the bomb in his neck is a bluff by Boomerang. Talk about not caring about a character.
And then there's Common - another big name who could have just stayed in bed. Despite looking like Tattoo Man from the comics, he plays a gangster who Joker entraps using Harley's sexuality and then unceremoniously kills off. What the hell was the point in getting someone so well known, exactly?