Suicide Squad: 28 WTF Moments

21. Amanda Waller's First, RIDICULOUS Plan

Suicide Squad WTF
Warner Bros.

Right, so the entire point of Task Force X - which includes Enchantress and is being lead by Rick Flag - is to be deployed in the event that something terrible happens that requires swift, specialist response. So why exactly does Amanda Waller initially respond to the appearance of Incubus by sending only Flag, Enchantress (who she seemingly knows is related to the monster) and some red shirts to try and bring him down?

Why bother setting up the Task Force if you're not going to use them. All that happened there was Enchantress escaped and it made Waller look like an absolute idiot, which is precisely the opposite of what the rest of the film is supposed to sell.

Now, I'm all for well-written scenes that teach the audience something about the characters, and those that display good chemistry between characters, but sometimes seeking that magic just doesn't come off. Having the rest of the Squad spend that time getting dressed and bantering when they have a mission to swiftly get to is just stupid.


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