Suicide Squad: 30 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

29. The Batman V Superman Call-Backs

Suicide Squad Easter Eggs
DC Comics

The first call-back to Batman v Superman comes pretty quickly, with Amanda Waller meeting with Dexter Tolliver (a figure from the comics who has been a liaison - and a bad apple - to the Squad) and Admiral Olson.

They discuss meta-humans (following on from BvS's introduction of the idea), Superman's "attack" on Earth and the possibilities of others. There's a mention later to the impending threat of flying men and monsters, calling back to the final fight in BvS too.

As the trio talk about the death of Superman, there's a quick flash of a merchandise stall featuring both Batman and Superman branded t-shirts. So clearly they're popular with at least some people.

And of course the credits stinger also has a call-back of its own, but more of that later.


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