Suicide Squad: 5 Things Critics Got Right, 5 Things They Got Wrong

7. The Characters And Story Are Muddled

Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Espresseo
Warner Bros.


We've already been over how clear and simple the story is, so any talk of it being muddled feels off. The characters are also pretty straightforward. This is especially true of the small number of characters Suicide Squad actually focuses on.

It is not hard at all figure out where Deadshot, Harley Quinn, El Diablo, Rick Flag, and Amanda Waller are coming from. Will Smith does a lot with a little and make it enough to understand Deadshot's motivation in the film and his character works.

Harley Quinn is The Joker's crazy girlfriend while Margot Robbie does such a wonderful job in her performance of showing there's even more to the character that can be unraveled in future instalments. Jay Hernandez is great as El Diablo, a character with a very clearly defined arc that boosts the film.

Everything the audience needs to know about the main characters in on the screen.


Sean Gerber is the founder and editor-in-chief of