Suicide Squad: 5 Ups & 5 Downs From Trailer 2

4. Harley's Toned Down Voice

Suicide Squad Harley Scared.jpg
Warner Bros.

Perhaps because they had their fingers burned with Tom Hardy's vocal performance in The Dark Knight Rises, Warner Bros have thankfully now given us a Harley Quinn without the trademark annoying voice.

Some might say her cartoonish whine is a trademark of the character, and thus shouldn't have been excised, but if she is to be as central a figure as she looks to be, dialling it down is a master-stroke.

After all, the dynamic here is different: she's not playing a thorn in Joker's side, and there's no enjoyment to be had in his comical intolerance of her. Instead she's a legitimate character who will actually advance the film, and because we get to see her origin, it's obvious we're SUPPOSED to root for her. So, it's the right compromise to make.


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