Suicide Squad: 8 Things That Need To Happen

4. Use Enchantress To Open The Doors To More Fantasy Elements

In the comics, June Moone is a woman with split personalities€”one of them being a powerful mage called Enchantress€”and she€™s the strangest and most intriguing addition to the Squad. Her presence contradicts the DC films usually-grounded tone and it seems that with characters like her, Warner Bros. is planning on opening their universe up to fantasy elements such as magic. Despite the realistic tone of the DC films, their first movie was about a flying alien, and upcoming movies feature a billionaire dressed like a bat, the king of an underwater civilization, a man who is fast enough to break through time, and an Amazonian princess who may be from another world or dimension entirely. This shows that DC isn€™t going to run from the fantastic nature of these characters, and that the €˜realism€™ of these stories will come from a human and emotional level. €˜Grounded€™ and €˜realistic€™ don€™t mean shying away from fantasy, but instead treating it like it isn€™t. An interesting thing to note is that, other than the Joker, the only character that hasn€™t been captured on set with the rest of the Squad is Enchantress. This gives credence to rumors that the Squad€™s first mission would be to retrieve her, and positions her as an important metahuman weapon right at the heart of the story. Snyder has claimed that Wonder Woman would be the €˜gateway drug€™ in Batman v Superman. If Ayer wants to do something interesting, he needs to use Enchantress in much the same way, and open up some of the the darker and weirder parts of the DC Universe.

I'm a writer and musician living in New York City. I'm a huge fan of all types of films, comic books and anything with a great story, and an even bigger fan of drinking excessively on Saturdays. If you want to reach me to let me know what you think of my work (good or bad), you can reach me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+