Suicide Squad: 8 Things That Need To Happen

3. Fan Favorites Like Deathstroke

The filmmakers in the DC Extended Universe have access to every concept and character the comics have ever conceived, and now is the time to bring that treasure trove to life. Squad will introduce Amanda Waller, a character connected to many government agencies designed to track villains and heroes, and Belle Reve is a prison that provides her a fresh supply of Squad members. Just like Man of Steel was loaded with references, this movie can follow suit, and get fans excited for the future by giving nods to or showcasing characters they never thought they€™d see on the big screen. If Suicide Squad pulls out an epic action sequence with Deathstroke, tearing his way through Squad members, hardcore fans will be awed and the general audience will be left asking, €œWho the hell was that and when€™s he coming back?€ The best way to get fans excited for the upcoming DC slate is by using this movie€™s unique setting to show everyone just how deep they plan on going into the comic book universe. There are rumors that Jim Parrack is playing Deathstroke, and even Scott Eastwood possibly portraying a young, pre-assassin Slade Wilson. Nobody knows if these rumors are true, of if the character is even in the movie, but if he is, then fans are in for a treat. Ayer and his team need to use this opportunity to sow the seeds of other awesome DC characters, and use that as the type of memorable fan service that gets people excited for the future.

I'm a writer and musician living in New York City. I'm a huge fan of all types of films, comic books and anything with a great story, and an even bigger fan of drinking excessively on Saturdays. If you want to reach me to let me know what you think of my work (good or bad), you can reach me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+