Suicide Squad: 9 Deleted Scenes That Would Have Definitely Improved The Film

8. A Sexist And Racist Boomerang

Suicide Squad Joker Jared Leto Deleted Scene
Warner Bros.

The Deleted Scene: Less a specific scene, rather a key character trait, Captain Boomerang was originally going to be even more of an abrasive personality, with a bunch of sexist and racist lines that pushed him into full-on bad guy territory (fitting for a movie allegedly about bad guys). Given the multicultural side of the team, there'd have certainly been plenty of opportunity for it, but in the end this was only present in his interactions with Katana, which were hidden under veil of sexual awkwardness.

Why It Would Have Improved The Film: Boomerang was the most interesting member of the entire Squad, mainly because of his d*ck demeanour, and this would have only accentuated that. It would have also given him a bit more of a presence; as it is, he pops in and out to show his pink unicorn or drink a tinny, but has no dominant moment (and is pretty much a non-player in the final act).

So, Why Was It Cut? Can you imagine trying to pass off a rampantly sexist and racist character in a PG-13 movie? Even if the joke was very much on Boomerang, that's an MPAA clash just waiting to happen. Perhaps this sort of explicit characterisation just isn't right for this sort of franchise movie.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.