Suicide Squad: 9 Major Implications For Future DC Movies

5. Harley Quinn Helped Kill Jason Todd


There's a moment in Batman v Superman when Bruce Wayne takes a moment to look at the suit of Robin, which has 'Ha ha ha! Joke's on you Batman!' written on it.

This is taken as confirmation that the Joker killed this universe's Robin, but Suicide Squad sheds some more light on it, showing that he may not have been the only one involved in the murder.

During Harley Quinn's character introduction, it reveals that she was implicated in the murder of Todd - she does confess to it, but that might just be lying in order to protect Mr J (although given this film's version of the Joker, he'd be more likely to confess to save her). It's certainly different from how it plays out in the comics (Todd's death pre-dates Harley's existence), but could prove to be a clever twist down the line.

Whatever the actual truth is - because we can't really trust what Harley says, but it seems likely she will have been involved to some extent - it seems likely she will be dragged into the Robin conflict, which is probably going to have some bearing on the solo Batman movie, and the future of Bats and the Joker in it, especially if those Red Hood rumours/theories ever come to fruition.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.