Suicide Squad: Decoding All 16 Of Jared Leto's Joker Tattoos


2. Jester With Hammer

Joker Jester Tattoo Hammer
Mattel/DC Comics

As revealed only by toy lines so far, the Joker has a tattoo on the left hand side of his back, below his shoulder - a manic little jester with a creepy grin.

The reference is unavoidable once you've noticed it - the over-sized grin dominating his face and the hammer raised in the air combine in homage to one of the most iconic images from Death Of The Family. It's a brilliant little nod, and one that will hopefully have some narrative sway over the Joker's past in the films too.

1. God's Only Child

Joker Toy
Diamond Comics

No doubt set to delight Christians, Joker's final tattoo (baring any we can't see - what price on him having a penis tattoo?) is the delightfully sacrilegious God's Only Child.

There's a possibility it's just an obnoxious middle finger salute to religion, or an arrogant expression of the Joker's inflated sense of himself - after all, his megalomania does make him almost God-like in his own mind.

In line with the double meaning of the term "begotten" in the Bible, this doesn't actually mean he's God's actual child, it's more likely to mean he believes himself unique; a chosen one; special. He's not the messiah, he's just a VERY naughty boy.

Are you excited to see Jared Leto's new Joker in Suicide Squad? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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