Suicide Squad Reviews: 10 Things We Learned About The Joker

1. He Leaves You Wanting More

Joker Haha
Warner Bros.

And not just in the "I am not wholly satisfied way" either. It seems that Jared Leto's publicly expressed desires to return as the camera and face off against Ben Affleck in his forthcoming stand-alone wouldn't be entirely unpopular with critics.

As ComingSoon say:

"It’s a good start, though. The real test is to see how Leto’s Joker plays opposite Ben Affleck’s Batman, but while his screen time is limited, Leto makes a good case that he will be a formidable opponent for the Dark Knight Detective."

And US Magazine say similar about his promise, putting the words probably everyone wants into their mouths:

"A spinoff movie featuring Leto and Robbie would be a worthy consolation prize."

That much at least sounds like good news.

Are you looking forward to seeing Jared Leto's Joker in Suicide Squad? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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